Celebrating Divine Mother SOPHIA

In honor of Divine Mother SOPHIA, Creatrix of All Life, a new magazine entitled: Luminous Wisdom ~ SOPHIA [Enlightens, Empowers & Illuminates] is launching its maiden voyage on the international internet scene.

I have been selected as a monthly writer for the magazine and each month I will post a copy of my contributing article to Cosmic Dream Weaving subscribers.

I hope you enjoy the journey into SOPHIA!  ♥ Son’Yah

Birthing a New World

“We change the world not by defending our position, but by forgiving and surrendering to what is, for what we resist will persist.”

In my journey of spiritual awakening, I discovered that the universe resides within. The chakras, as orbiting planets within my biological universe, are directly connected to the seven layers of heart muscle that surround the sacred atom of my heart. This 7-layered muscle is intimately involved in the creation and function of my heartbeat.

From a scientific perspective, sound moves in various superimposed wavelengths that combine, at certain points, to produce a group pulse or heartbeat. The convergence of your heartbeat with its orbiting chakras can occur through the constancy of a loving heart. This energetic alignment with your heart brings you into continuous synchronization grace with the I AM Presence for the birthing of Sophia Christ Consciousness within, and a new world without.

When the resonance of the heartbeat is off, an imbalanced tone is created within the heart. So, every feeling not based in love, such as judgment, fear, greed, doubt, hatred, projection, etc., not only creates disharmony in the communication from your cells to your body, but also miscommunication between your cells and DNA. The sounding of this disharmonic note is the vibrational beginning of dis-ease within your body.

Thus, the energetics of our thoughts create either a world of harmony, peace and bliss or one of disharmony, dis-ease and chaos. The source of the disharmony, whether from the mind or emotions, will bring the whole organism into a state of separation and breakdown from within and without. Consequently, by fixating on the chaos happening in the world, we lose our equilibrium and peace of mind. It strips us of our hope, momentum and the confidence that we can overcome all travails of the spirit. It pulls us back into the program of fear where we become polarized and paralyzed in having to choose “this” or “that,” rather than just “BEing” centered in peace and love.

To understand the insanity of our world, we must realize that any harmful act against the innocence of another only comes out of unresolved pain and suffering. Through compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and the other, we re-member that we are all part of the same essence, pure consciousness and blueprint of life. By recognizing our Sovereign Divine Nature as a Soul and Spirit, we open the way to return to our pure innocence as the guiding light through the raging storms of this declining Age. The pure innocence of your heart is your Divine birthright. Reclaiming your Divine innocence restores peace beyond all understanding and circumstance.

We change the world not by defending our position, but by forgiving and surrendering to what is, for what we resist, will persist. We return to our pure innocence by remaining aligned with our heart in the face of all obstruction. We birth a new world by holding the vision of what we want our life and world to look like and taking actions to support that vision. When we live centered in our heart’s knowing, life will unfold miraculously through continuous synchronization grace.

About Son'Yah (Alisha R. Kaiser)

As the Oracle of the diamond Christ Codes, Son’Yah is birthing a “Living Light Language” to manifest miracles on Earth for the Golden Age of Enlightenment. Utilizing Soul powers of creation, a “Living Light Language” offers a full vocabulary of sounds and symbols crafted to embody primordial energy and raise consciousness for Quantum Empowerment Healing. Background In the early 70’s, Son’Yah began a counseling practice in West Los Angeles as a Reichian Therapist. From 1979 to 1997, she apprenticed at the Don Juan Memorial Mystery School utilizing Toltec practices and a blend of oracular and alchemical teachings from the East and West. Her journey subsequently brought her to the doorstep of three Master Teachers. Over the next 18 years, she studied and practiced cosmos archetypal teachings of the East and West. During this course of time, she was also certified in 1st and 2d Degree Reiki and in Chinese Waitankung. Son’Yah is also initiated in Surya Yoga and Spiritual Dream Psychology. As a spiritual scientist, she has journeyed into the quantum universe within her DNA to activate her Divine Genome and the diamond Christ Codes for the Golden Age of Miracles.
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